Thursday, April 21, 2011

Do you...?

Do you....

ask yourself "When I cry alone in the woods, am I making a sound...?"

fart in a meeting with just you and another person realizing after that there's no chance of getting away with it?

imagine yourself as a guest character on full house, beloved by all, who eventually comes clean about being the real father of Comet?

go to the grocery store hungry, only to buy a stupid amount of food?

try to Facetime people in your contact list you don't know well using your iPhone praying for them to answer causing a gloriously awkward moment?

catch yourself practicing how your going to handle the heated moment when your wife finds out you have not 1...but 4 wives and also a disgusting half-brother you keep chained in your basement?

wonder what it would be like to be a fly....on the ground?

act a lot tougher when you play xbox live?

catch yourself being mesmerized by all the incredible deals in the Victoria Secret Catalog?

eat soggy wheat?

trust a Masseur with 5 syllables in his last name to give your wife a massage?

not use the instructions when putting together IKEA furniture so you are able to be more artistic?

ride a horse bare-back while wearing a white t-shirt with overalls?

not wash your hands after going number 1 in your own home because you pay good chunk of rent to do whatever the hell you want in your own home without people judging you?

turn the sink on in the bathroom while you have guests, only to appear to have washed your hands after using the restroom?

run into a barbed-wire fence naked and sober when you knew very well the fence was there?

glance multiple times as to not stare?

daydream about being a superhero who was attacked by wild horses, then raised by the horses only to become. Horseman. Wearing a costume that requires a horse type head and becoming rural areas most trusted crime fighter, stopping cow tippers and barn burners etc...only to snap out of it 5 hours later and realize you have just came up with the greatest idea ever?

Well if you do....then you might be comparable to the person who thought of the "Microwave T.V"....
(now accepting investors)


Scottkids said...

What the heck is going on in this picture?

Courtney Bardsley said...

Your blog is seriously my favorite!!!! I laugh every time I read it!! You can tell who your parents are!!

The Smoots said...

HA!!!!!! Love your thoughts for the day...Leaving me mesmorized and dreaming.. well done helm! Thanks for the food for thought..

Candice said...

When did other people start reading your blog? I thought this was private conversation between you and I.

Zach Helm said...

Oh that's sweet that you thought that Candice, but ignorance has always been your vice big sis.
As for the rest of my readers, thanks for supporting a blog written by the successor of the "Oprah Show"